Quick Hit Tactical Sales Accelerator
If you need to develop new business NOW, whether from penetrating an existing market further, uncovering new applications for existing products and/or creating opportunities in a new market, then our Tactical Sales Accelerator program is the solution to your immediate needs.
Similarly, if you need to find beta site field users to test and evaluate a new technology or product, find lead customers, find an investment partner, a JV/collaborative partner or similar business partner, then our Accelerator program will help support your tactical and strategic goals.
Although each program is slightly different depending on the program target type (prospective customers, investors, development partners, etc.) the target market (type and OEM vs. end user), domestic vs. global, market conditions and your requirements, our Accelerator programs typically cost ~ $14-18k USD and have produced new opportunities in as little as two months.
As an example, for a Sales Accelerator type program, the program generally involves one or more of the following activities ;
- Review of client provided information on your technology, products, services and/or other capabilities that will enable us to better represent you when talking to prospective interested contacts.
- Initial market research that identifies leading companies and organizations in the targeted market/application space that would most likely be interested in your offerings
- Development of a prospect database including target companies, key decision makers and influencers (system designers, CTOs, engineering managers, product managers, etc.), and key quantitative data such as company size, annual revenue, etc. to assist with prioritizing target accounts. Our databases are not purchased nor filtered from a master database. All our databases are developed “fresh” from current industry sources thereby enhancing quality and maximizing effectiveness.
- Conducting a focused, pro-active market campaign that; introduces the market to your technical capabilities, product performance attributes and other relevant benefits; increases your visibility with prospective target accounts and key decision makers. Our marketing campaigns are typically conducted in a “blind” fashion where our client’s name is not immediately divulged. This pique’s the readers curiosity and further encourages more contacts to respond back to us looking for additional information providing better opportunities for us to confirm their level of interest and obtain critical market information.
- In tandem, conduct a highly focused Linked In reach out campaign that will put similar but abbreviated information in front of a subset of the overall target database contacts.These reach out campaigns have proven to be an ideal complement to the email marketing campaign by directly corresponding with industry leaders on a more personal level, thereby enhancing our ability to discuss with more industry decision makers and obtaining critical application and market info along with assessment of near term opportunities.
- Monitor contacts’ level of interest from the campaigns, and along with other variables, establish a prioritized list of prospects to initiate further contact, confirm overall interest and application requirements, cultivate greater interest, and identify opportunities for near term sales and long term strategic growth
- In parallel, if desired, conduct qualitative market research through in-depth phone interviews to obtain possible information on key dynamics including; existence/history of use of similar products/technologies (or competing technologies), performance requirements, cost and adequacy of any current solution(s), areas of “pain” and opportunity for improvement or next generation designs that could be an insertion point for the client’s technology, product or service.
- All information provided in an Excel database and PowerPoint executive level presentations reviewed during interim and final program meetings.
These programs have been conducted for numerous technical products across a variety of applications, markets, investor types with new opportunities developing in as short as two months from program start. Programs with varying activities and goals can be designed to meet your specific requirements and time frame.