New therapies, constant technology push and global demographic changes continue to drive advances in medical technology from surgical devices, to orthopedics, to imaging, to diagnostic equipment.An aging population and improved healthcare infrastructure in developing countries are just two of the macro dynamics driving growth.At an estimated size of ~ $400 billion, the global medical device and instrument industry is one of the few large markets with manufacturing content that is consistently growing at a rate higher than GDP, offering a constant stream of opportunities for growth.

In addition to our services listed below the bullets, some examples of our work in the medical device, orthopedic, pharmaceutical and bio/life sciences industry have involved the following technologies, products, applications, company types and market segments;

  • Compact green laser module for laser based surgical and cosmetic medical instruments
  • Cooling technologies for surgical instruments, neurostimulation, and other medical devices
  • Biodegradeable materials with improved osseo-integration for orthopedic implants
  • Investigation of the suture anchor market and the arthroscopy/soft tissue market in general and specific to the labrum repair market for a new suture technology. Competitive analysis, pricing models and technology benchmarking.
  • Market development and VoC research for high performance optical patterning services for endoscopy, laparoscopy, surgical instrument and similar medical devices
  • Market investigation, competitive analysis and market development for optical components in flow cytometers, micro-plate readers, DNA sequencers, PCR systems, spectrometers, Point-Of-Care (POC) instruments, light sources and other optically based medical and laboratory instruments
  • Cryo-coolers for organ transport containers and cryo-freezers
  • Imaging software for tissue engineering and cartilage repair
  • Static control for medical laboratory instruments
  • Medical device and biotech/life science technologies for SBIR/STTR programs with the NSF and NIH
Meet Us At
MD&M West
February 3-5, 2025
Anaheim, CA
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Optics for Medical Device Market

“TekMark’s medical device market experience and technical application knowledge enabled them to converse with our target customers’ engineers and scientists in a highly effective manner to obtain valuable information including performance requirements, annual volume potential and target pricing.Their ability to quickly identify, characterize and confirm new market opportunities in optically based, medical device market segments will enable us to leverage our existing business to many new growth opportunities.”

Paul Sumner, Chief Operating Officer / Opto-Line International

Press Release

Medical Imaging Software

“TekMark’s knowledge of and experience in the life science markets will enable us to generate new sales opportunities for our industry leading imaging software solutions.Our partnership with TekMark will be extremely valuable as we develop new growth opportunities in both the near and long term.”

Rosemary Shull, VP of Business Development / Virtual Scopics

Press Release

Our services for the Medical Device & Instrument industry include . . .

New Business Development

Business Audit & Strategy

Mergers & Acquisitions

Technical Market Research

SBIR Technology Commercialization

RepFinder & Channel Mgmt

New Product Development

Interim Management