TekMark provides business owners, executives and leadership teams with objective, in-depth and forward looking recommendations to support the development of new growth strategies.  We start by conducting a business audit that reviews your sales, marketing, customer service, product portfolio and other customer facing activities.  

We assess your competition and conduct elements of a traditional SWOT analysis.  This is combined with our industry knowledge across multiple applications and markets to develop new strategic growth initiative options and reviewed with you and/or your executive management team.  Working with you and your team, these initiatives are then refined, modified as needed and finalized with near term action items that help move your firm into a better position to drive sustainable competitive advantage, growth and profitability.       

Our clients work with us for strategy development to get objective and fresh ideas to spark new growth.  You may want to consider the benefits of working with an outside consultant if you are experiencing any of the following challenges or scenarios;  

  • Are you experiencing stagnant or declining growth?
  • Are your profit levels in a slow decline?
  • Do you have the right technology, product and service mix for your currently targeted applications and markets?
  • Is your organization in a constant “fire-fighting” mode – reacting to the last emergency request and constantly changing direction and priorities with no cohesive master plan?
  • Is your team moving in the same direction with the same goals and priorities?
  • Is your organization growing to a size where you need to develop and implement a more formal strategic planning process?
  • Do you need to evaluate and determine opportunities for a new technology to make informed investment and planning decisions?
  • Are you having trouble changing the culture to one with a more pro-active, risk taking and can-do attitude?
  • Are you confident you have the right people but not sure the organization is structured properly?
  • Are individual roles and responsibilities adequately defined and communicated?
  • Does your organization view your sales (rep, distributor, or direct) as a necessary evil instead of a powerful and differentiating advantage? See our Channel Management

If you are struggling with any of these issues or similar challenges, an outside and unbiased perspective is an invaluable and quick method of identifying the cause(s) and developing effective solutions.  Depending on your situation, TekMark’s business audit can investigate your sales, marketing, technical service and other customer facing groups and activities.  Each is assessed to determine how well and effective they are in helping your entire organization meet your tactical and strategic goals.

Each business review and strategic planning program is specifically designed to your current circumstances and requirements but most include one or more of the following;

  • Meetings and interviews with senior management to review current situation, program objectives, and review of processes and tools available for use
  • Individual employee interviews across a cross section of departments to obtain perspectives from different viewpoints (also can include independent sales channel partners)
  • Focused surveys and formal brainstorm sessions for group input, suggestions for improvement, ownership awareness and development of potential solutions
  • Benchmarking against best practices across similar businesses and organizations
  • Summary of inputs and observations, gap analysis and recommendations to improve and move forward

We strongly believe in the “plan your work and work your plan” philosophy.  A strategic plan communicates a consistent and clear message to your employees, customers, potential customers, and channel partners.  The plan will guide your day-to-day activities, measure your progress against initial goals and bring your organization’s goals into focus.

The process to develop a strategic plan is as equally important as the plan itself.  A formal planning process (regardless of your size) encourages your team to communicate regularly about common challenges from a variety of perspectives with the common goal of growing the business.

Many companies that don’t plan find themselves in constant “firefighter” mode. They react to the loudest “scream” on any given day, constantly put out fires and jump erratically from one initiative to another.  TekMark can guide your organization through a planning process to develop a more focused, cohesive, pro-active and results oriented team.

We design and facilitate strategic planning sessions, work with your organization to develop long range goals, market penetration strategies and implementation plans.  We can take a “back seat” by acting as an advisor or be a more involved change agent working jointly to enable organizational growth.

We address many common business planning and strategic marketing issues including;

  • What are your market drivers & dynamics, both business and technical?
  • What is the “Customer Buy Decision“?
  • How are your markets changing and what future opportunities could evolve?
  • Company and product positioning – What is your value proposition?
  • Stakeholder and technical market research– data driven decision making
  • Who should you say “NO Thank You” to?
  • SWOT analysis & competitive positioning
  • Prioritization, milestone development & implementation
  • Development of action items, benchmarking tools and measurement and compensation systems that align and reward individual performance with organizational goals
  • Voice of the Customer (VoC), Six Sigma practices . . . . . and many more . . .

Supported by timely and accurate market information, business planning and effective implementation of your plan are fundamental to effective growth management.  It will enable your organization to make challenging decisions with confidence. You will take control of your future and increase your chances for increased growth and profitability.

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Business Audit &
Strategic Development

“TekMark quickly reviewed our business operations; provided objective and critical feedback, offered market insight, and recommended valuable strategic growth initiatives that we will leverage to grow our business.”

David Wensley, President / Techniquip Corporation

Press Release

Business Audit &
Strategy Development

“TekMark’s ability to quickly evaluate our business; understand our engineered products and technologies; assess the competition, markets and applications; and provide objective recommendations to improve our operations will quickly position us to realize our aggressive growth goals.We look forward to implementing many of the recommendations and working with TekMark as a strategic consulting partner in the future.”

President & CEO / Cinch Seal

Press Release

We provide strategic development, new business development and support services for technologies, products, applications and growth opportunities in the following industries . . .

Advanced Materials

Aerospace, Aviation & Defense

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

Medical Devices

Optics & Photonics


Semicon & Electronics

Sensors + Industrial IoT

Test & Measurement