TekMark Growth Partners has been retained to provide new business development services including the creation and implementation of pro-active market penetration strategies to leverage ITAC’s advanced testing software in the aerospace wind tunnel research market. Industry needs, applications across multiple market segments and the development and prioritization of key user opportunities will be generated to transition the technology to a broad range of potential users.
Chesterfield, MO, USA, February 25, 2013 – Innovative Technology Applications Company (ITAC) LLC has partnered with TekMark Growth Partners to provide initial market penetration and new business development consulting services. ITAC is an active participant in the US Government’s Small Business Innovative Research and Small Business Technology Transfer (SBIR/STTR) programs and has won many Phase I and Phase II awards from NASA, AFRL, AFOSR, NAVAIR among other government agencies.
ITAC is collaborating with the University of Notre Dame in a Phase II STTR for the AFOSR. The program, “Neural Network Facility Modeling”, will develop advanced software for improved performance of large scale wind tunnel facilities using advanced concepts from neural networks and mathematical modeling. Wind tunnel test facilities require stringent control of test parameters such as wind speed, temperature and pressure to satisfy the objectives of the simulation. ITAC’s mathematical models can be linked directly to the performance of large facility systems for improved control and simulation of the facilities over a wide range of operating conditions.
As a subcontract technology commercialization partner, TekMark Growth Partners will characterize the wind tunnel test & research market including the identification of research groups at leading Universities, National Laboratories, NASA facilities and commercial aerospace and other prime contractors. TekMark will advise ITAC on market opportunities and challenges and conduct pro-active market penetration efforts to uncover commercial applications for the technology.
Alan Cain, ITAC’s President, commented “We are extremely excited about our modeling software technology and we look forward to working with TekMark to assist us with technology commercialization efforts. TekMark had successfully completed a project in support of our Phase I program and am confident that their knowledge of and experience in the aerospace industry will enable us to quickly and more effectively develop new commercial business opportunities for ITAC.”
About ITAC
Innovative Technology Applications Company (ITAC), LLC, www.itacllc.com provides contract research and development and consulting services in a variety of technical areas to government and commercial customers. Areas of expertise include experimental and computational fluid dynamics, active flow control, aerodynamics, aero-acoustics and aero-optics. ITAC’s projects and services include advanced concept development, research, and test and evaluation using experimental and computational simulations, new code capability development, mathematical analysis of physical systems, and product prototype development.
About TekMark Growth Partners
TekMark Growth Partners Ltd., www.tekmarkgp.com, is a leading technology, marketing and strategic management consulting firm. We help technology and engineered product based companies grow through a variety of proven processes and programs focused on new business development, new product development, technology commercialization, channel management, technical research, competitive analysis and overall strategy development. In addition to the aerospace industry, other focus market and product areas include semiconductors, MEMs devices, nanotechnology, electronics, optics & photonics, sensors, thin film processing equipment, test & measurement systems, industrial equipment, and other similar products and industries.
Contact Info
David Klein, TekMark Growth Partners Ltd., ph 330-285-3446, www.tekmarkgp.com
Alan Cain, Innovative Technology Applications Company LLC, ph 314-373-3311, www.itacllc.com