TekMark Growth Partners Identifies Potential SBIR Funding Sources to Accelerate SBIR Technology Commercialization for En’Urga’s Jet Engine Emission Tomography System

TekMark Growth Partners Ltd. provided SBIR technology commercialization support services to identify potential funding sources for En’Urga’s emission tomography technology.  TekMark identified leading DoD and NASA agency researchers, conducted a pro-active outreach and information campaign, and engaged with agency decision makers to uncover potential funding sources and accelerate technology commercialization.

West Lafayette, IN, USA – October 9, 2017 – TekMark Growth Partners, Ltd., a leading SBIR technology commercialization, marketing and strategic management consulting firm provided En’Urga with SBIR support services to obtain agency funding to further develop their emission tomography system that checks the health of jet engines.  TekMark, through its long history of working in and relationships with the SBIR/STTR community, was able to quickly; identify research groups involved in jet engine health monitoring; establish contact with many agency technical points of contact (TPOCs) and testbed researchers; and uncover interest for En’Urga’s emission tomography system.

Dr. Yudaya Sivathanu, En’Urga’s President added “we needed to identify potential funding sources very quickly before the closing of a solicitation.  TekMark’s technical background, knowledge of various agency research/testing groups, and deep experience working in the SBIR community enabled them to quickly establish contact with key agency researchers, confirm interest from multiple groups at the ONR, the Air Force and NASA Langley and opened up additional opportunities for us to develop our technology.”

Identifying interest across multiple agencies and research groups within an agency and developing relationships with key researchers in your area(s) of discipline is a critical activity that should be done on an ongoing basis to increase your chances for getting your technology funded.  But with many SBIR firms, resources are limited, and not enough time is allocated on an on-going basis to this critical but time consuming process.

By partnering with TekMark, En’Urga was able to generate interest from several agency research/testing groups in less than two months which is optimal as this is within the time span from most Broad Agency Announcements pre-release to closing.  By partnering with TekMark, En’Urga was able to quickly leverage their existing technology development with new additional funding sources to further accelerate their SBIR technology commercialization.

About En’Urga Inc.  

En’Urga Inc. (www.enurga.com) is the industry leader in customized optical diagnostic equipment for the most challenging factory floor applications. En’Urga Inc. specializes in research, design, prototype development, customization, and calibration of optical diagnostic equipment for the factory floor, suitable for the measurement of temperatures, gas concentrations, emissivity, and particulate characteristics for both single phase and two phase reacting flows.  We have been in the business of optical diagnostics and research for over 20 years serving many Fortune 500 companies and Federal Government agencies in the aerospace, automotive, pharmaceutical sectors and more.

About TekMark Growth Partners Ltd.

TekMark Growth Partners Ltd. (www.tekmarkgp.com) is a leading SBIR technology commercialization, marketing and strategic management consulting firm.  For SBIR firms we secure Letters of Support (LOS), obtain Voice of the Customer (VoC) data, act as your commercialization partner and critique and/or write proposals.  In addition to our SBIR support services, we also help technology and engineered product and service based companies grow with proven processes and programs focused on new business/new product development, technical research, competitive analysis and overall strategy development.  Our deep technical experience in the medical device & scientific instrument, aerospace, semiconductor, electronics, optics & photonics, nano-technology, advanced materials, sensor, test & measurement among other technically based markets enables our clients to quickly and effectively find, confirm and develop new growth opportunities.

Contact Info                          

Yudaya Sivathanu, En’Urga Inc., ph 765-497-3269, www.enurga.com

David Klein, TekMark Growth Partners Ltd., ph 330-285-3446, www.tekmarkgp.com